These debs, created by ThinLinX using source code provided by RAKwireless, will
implement a The Things Network (TTN) gateway using a RAK2245 (Pi 3/4) or
RAK2246 (Pi Zero) HAT on any Debian/Raspbian/Ubuntu-based Pi O/S (including
TLXOS), without the need to install RAKWireless' custom O/S. They may also
work with the older (non-HAT) RAK831 board when connected via SPI.
These debs should work on pretty much any Debian ARMHF release (ARMv7) or
Raspbian release (ARMv6). You must modify config.txt on your Raspberry Pi to
enable SPI (dtparam=spi=on). You must also disable Bluetooth
(dtoverlay=disable-bt, or possibly dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt in older releases)
or set it to use ttyS0 rather than ttyAMA0 (dtoverlay=miniuart-bt, or possibly
dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt in older releases) if the gateway has a GPS that
requires /dev/ttyAMA0. If using Raspbian you can use rpi-config to make these
Source code is located in ../source/rak2245.