Index of /source/pi-firmware/
In our earliest TLXOS RPi/RPi IoT releases, we either used unofficial debs from
or modified the official raspberrypi-bootoader deb to remove the Raspbian
In later releases we gave up on this and just compiled our own unpackaged
/opt/vc hierarchy from Github sources so that we didn't need to install
libraspberrypi0, and could thereby avoid the raspberrypi-firmware dependency.
Later still we started modding libraspberrypi-bin and libraspberrypi0 debs to
remove the dependency on raspberrypi-bootoader.
FYI TLXOS RPi also needs the Raspbian firmware-brcm80211 and bluez-firmware
packages, because the Debian versions lack firmware needed for Raspberry Pi
WiFi and Bluetooth.
N.B. The so-called libraspberrypi-doc package actually contains important
"example" code that, in my opinion, ought to be part of the libraspberrypi-dev
package. You need this, for example, to compile the H.264 add-on for Citrix
FYI here are my old notes for modding raspberrypi-bootloader:
Checklist for repackage hack of raspberrypi-bootloader deb:
- remove lib/*, boot/COPYING.linux, boot/LICENCE.broadcom, boot/kernel* from
- edit usr/share/doc/raspberrypi-bootloader/changelog.Debian.gz in data
- change control file (Package, Provides, Changed-by, Installed-Size,
- remove postrm file
- edit preinst and postinst files
- edit md5sums (removes lines, alter sum for changelog.Debian.gz)