This code is obsolete - the required functionality is now in the mainline kernel, and the new approach is to use stock btattach rather than a mutant version of hciattach. This is a patch vs 3.18 source for Realtek H4/H5 UART bluetooth as found in the Falls City Intel Compute Stick. It is derived from much messier code provided by Realtek (Linux_BT_UART_3.0.20150325_8723BS_BTCOEX_20150119-5844) for a kernel of roughly 3.2 vintage. We updated the patch for 3.18 and cleaned up its kernel configuration integration. Also provided (verbatim) from the original Realtek bundle are the modified version of hciattach and the run-time firmware it requires. This patch proved too difficult to update for 4.x kernels, so we omitted it from later kernel builds. What ultimately ended up going into the mainline kernel didn't resemble this code at all. Our first kernel release using the new method was 5.4 (not sure exactly when it was added).